
Solar Charger - The Best Source of Alternative Energy

Asolar charger is a portable device that has a solar panel with a series of solar cells that collects the sun's energy by means of sunlight, transfers it to a solar charge controller that protects the batteries from overloading and avoids the discharge of energy though the panels, then it will be transformed from solar power to an electric current by an inverter, the electricity produced will then be used to charge the batteries and power up electronic gadgets and devices. The mechanism behind this device may not be easy to understand but you can simply say that it captures the sunlight and transforms the light that is captured into a form of electricity that can be utilized to power up your gadgets with drained batteries. This is not just convenient, this would also be perfect for those who need to stay on the go due to the nature of their job and those who need to go to a place where it is uncertain whether there is actually electricity or not. Solar phone chargers ar

About Solar Energy

Many of us know that solar energy is a good thing, but few really understand why. Therefore, I compiled a comprehensive list of solar energy advantages and disadvantages that will enable you to make an educated decision whether on not Solar Power is right for YOU. Solar Energy Advantages 1. Saves you money -After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE. -The recovery/ payback period for this investment can be very short depending on how much electricity your household uses. -Financial incentives are available form the government that will reduce your cost. -If your system produce more energy than you use, your utility company can buy it from you, building up a credit on your account! This is called net metering. -It will save you money on your electricity bill if you have one at all. -Solar energy does not require any fuel. -It's not affected by the supply and demand of fuel and is therefore not subjected to the ever-increasing price